The Pugwash Estuary extends from the Pugwash Harbour to Conns Mills. Beyond Conns Mills there is no tidal flow and Pugwash River stretches about 16 km to Mahoney’s Corner.
Restoring salmon and trout fishing through habitat improvement work. (Photo above, Patton Brook)
Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP)
Monitoring fish and water. (Photo above, Seagull Parking Lot)
Community Education and Awareness
- Estuary tours
- Public information (speakers, information booths, newspaper articles)
- Photo contests
- Group hikes
- Flotillas
- River Research (mapping, culvert report)
(Photo above, Canada Day Parade)
Stewards of Nature Conservancy Canada Lands
Keeping an eye on hundreds of acres of protected land along the river. (Photo above, Snowshoeing Protected Land)
Greater Community Involvement
- Coastal Communities Networks (Nova Scotia)
- Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustainability (Coalition –SGSL).
Student Summer Jobs
Summer jobs for both high school and post secondary students. Opportunity to work in the environmental field and to develop a variety of work related skills.